We were also asked to write a list of 5 things that motivate us and 5 things that distract us.
5 Things that Motivate Me:
Independence: I want to work hard so that I will never have to be dependent on someone else. It motivates me professionally to work hard to have a meaningful and successful career. It is really important to me and is something that motivates me day to day.
Peer Pressure: We've all heard of it throughout our lives as something that can be both good and bad but I have taken it as something to push me to work harder. I definitely have a competitive nature and am likely to work a little bit harder if I know someone is watching the work I am doing.
Happiness/Enjoyment: If I really love something or it will make me happy to do it, I will put my all into it. That doesn't always even mean the task itself will make me happy but the end result as well.
Proving People Wrong: I looked around a few articles for some ideas because I got a little stuck here. I saw this one and I can definitely identify with this. I don't think this is one of my every day motivators but when it comes around it definitely motivates me with force. I think adversity in doses can be a great thing.
Being Comfortable: Feeling comfortable and competent in a situation or task is when I really do my best work. This also applies to my personal relationships. Once I am comfortable with someone is when I really work and communicate best.
5 Things that Distract Me:
Social Media: I am an extremely social person and I enjoy making meaningful connections with people. I enjoy sharing things with others but I have to police myself on when to log off.
Bad Relationships: One of my MBTI traits was "holding on to bad relationships for far too long." and that really struck a cord with me. This applies to both my personal and professional relationships. I find myself to be pretty easy going but if I am working with someone that I don't connect well with this can distract me. I think early in my career the leadership I have guiding me will really affect the work that I produce. If I am having issues with a friend this can also tend to take up a lot of my thoughts and distract me from being on task. I tend to want to keep everyone happy and if I am unable to accomplish that I can be discouraged.
My Phone: Certainly this ties to social media but it can be its own monster. If I have something very important I often have to hide it or just shut it off. I really enjoy days of just going off the grid and not having it on me and I often force myself to do this because I feel so much more free without it.
Unclear Expectations: I like to know what is expected of me and what my role is in a project or task. As long as I have clear guidelines I know what I am working towards I will have a clear outlined path. If it is not clear I can tend to get distracted or deviate from my work.
Dishonesty: Honesty is probably the value I hold in the highest regard. If I feel that I cannot trust someone that severely affects my relationship with that person and can quickly demotivate me from working to my potential.
I got a kick out of your "proving people wrong" comment in class. I also concurred with your comment about these self-evaluation scales. It is easy to manipulate the outcome. As we discussed previously, I think these kinds of scales are useful for helping you think about things. I would not hang too much on the actual score you received.